Plants like human beings and animals require food for their growth. the food of the plants is composed of certain chemical elements out of which Thirty Five elements are considered for their growth of which sixteen elements as per table below are considered essential :-

Macronutrients Micronutrients
Source : Air Water Soil Soil
Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Nitrogen (N) Manganese (Mn)
Oxygen (O)   Phosphorus (P) Molybdenum (Mo)
    Potassium (K) Copper (Cu)
    Calcium (Ca) Boron (B)
    Magnesium (Mg) Zinc (Zn)
    Sulphur (S) Chlorine (Cl)
      Iron (Fe)
Prolonged continuous indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and Multiple cropping with yields varieties of crop is one of the most important cause of removal of micronutrients from the soil, which are very important to increase and conserve fertility and productivity of soil. Under deficiency of Micronutrients, the development, growth and reproduction of plants is hampered and plants are subject to attack by disease and the yield of crop decreases accordingly. Thus the soil structure, texture and fertility can be sustained only by supplementing with organic water.

The use of Bio-fertilizers is proven all over world, in India Sugarcane growing states like Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, tamilnadu and Cotton growing states like rajasthan have been using organic manure for all crops for a long time

In today's world farmers normally emphasise the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for their crops with little or no attention to supplying the other Micronutrients which are essential for plant growing. The Bio-fertilizers supply complete requisite food for the plant.

Comparison between Fertilizer and Bio-Fertilizer

Fertilizers are Inorganic materials prepared from inorganic substances which are harmful to health.
Do not improve the soil structure and texture and do not maintain salinity and alkanity of the soil. 
Do not maintain Carbon-Nitrogen ratio in the soil and do not supplement natural humus resources
Do not produce humus in the soil.
Have very little effect in soil Micro-organism.
Does not improve fertility of soil.
Normal germination
Fertilizers do not supply generally micronutrients to the plant.
Do not increase resistance to diseases and protection against extreme conditions in climate.
Fertilizers have no residual effect for the succeeding crops as the nutrients of fertilizers remain in available form and subject to loss in gaseous form and by leaching besides the crop removal. The nutrients of fertilizer exhaust quickly as its nutrients are quickly available especially nitrogenous fertilizers. 
Bio-fertilizers are substances which are organic in nature and prepared from plants and animal debris and are good for health.
Improves soil structure and texture and maintain salinity and alkanity of the soil. 
Maintain Carbon-Nitrogen ratio in the soil and supplement natural humus resources.
Make the soil humus and ensure proper aeration and increases water retention in soil.
Energizes soil micro-organism and microbial life multiplies enhancing multiple transfer. natural Vermiculture enhanced resulting in better aeration and natural fertility distribution.
Improves fertility status.
Better germination and improve root development.
Makes available all the required macro and micro nutrients to the plant.
Enhances resistance to diseases and extreme weather conditions.
manures have a residual effect foe succeeding crops. The good effect of manures remain longer in the soil as the nutrients of manures slowly become available to plants.

Organic Matter 50-55 %
Nitrogen 5.8-7.0 %
Phosphorus 8-10.1 %
Potassium 1.8-2.1 %
Calcium 6-7.00 %
Sulphur 1.2-1.0 %
Magnesium 0.03-1.0 %
Iron 0.95-1.08 %
Others 3.0-5.0 %
Moisture 10-12 %
(Being bio organic manure constituents and percentage May Vary)

(May vary according to soil condition)


Flowers & other ornamental Plants and Kitchen garden, As per manufacturer's instructions on packings.
Available in 2Kgs and 50 Kgs packing

Note : Do not Discontinue Chemical Fertilizers Till Complete Reclamation of Soil.